Thursday, June 26, 2008

Green Eco-Friendly Wedding Planning

Eco-Friendly Green Wedding Planning

First....think local. Check your local phone book yellow pages for wedding planners. Call and interview them. See if their values align with your values. to your friends. Not your SUV driving, gas guzzling, George W. voting friends,...not them. (how is it that, ...we all have at least one!) No, check with your recycling, composting, gardening friends on who helped them plan their wedding.

Third.....find a role model...near or far...that can offer guidance. I love Susan Angel. I am sick of those "green wedding planners".....who in actuality are big business wedding planners + extra $$$$ + trendy expensive green wedding slang = "eco-wedding planners." Nope. I like those wedding planners who incorporate green wedding ideas into all of their practices....not just the extra expensive package. Read about Susan Angel in this article:

Fourth.....follow our two of charge!

********Number 1: Go local! Challenge yourself to find all of your wedding resources from within your 100 mile radius. We are talking flowers, catering, decorations, wedding dresses, gift registry ( musicians, entertainment, etc....see if your can even shorten that radius?

********Number 2: Everyday habits! Don't forget them.....composting, recycling, buying local, eating organic, etc... Your wedding is all about you, but it can also be a way for you to be a role model for your friends and family on ways to live sustainably.

Good Luck with your wedding and the best you can, but keep in mind the big picture. Love.

1 comment:

Jonathan Bailor said...

Another great green event option is to rent digital cameras instead of using disposable cameras. rents digital cameras [fully insured] and creates a free picture sharing website for you. No need to dispose of any cameras and all the harmful chemicals in them, or develop bad pictures that will get thrown away.